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A Soul Midwife can help to ease the anxiety and fear of death by offering time and a listening ear to the person who is dying, and to their loved ones. This is especially important as there are questions that people need to ask or things they need to share, but there isn't always the right person, space or opportunity to do this - your Soul Midwife can offer that space and opportunity. 

A Soul Midwife works with the dying to provide comfort and support to them and to their loved ones, through the dying process.

Soul Midwifery can be engaged in by anyone of any or no religious belief system.

A Soul Midwife treats each individual holistically and individually, supporting them in maintaining their independence and choice.

A Soul Midwife can support an individual who is dying at home, in a care home, hospice or in hospital, visiting them in any of these locations.

A Soul Midwife can recognise the signs and symptoms of dying and uses non-pharmaceutical interventions to ease these symptoms, which may also be used alongside prescribed medication.

A Soul Midwife can also support an individual in putting in place plans and wishes regarding their health and treatments, and in relation to their wishes following death.

A Soul Midwife will also offer to visit the family after death, to share experiences and to talk about and reflect upon the experience.

If you would like to know more please call and we will be happy to meet up with you - Claire 07917 518898 - Krista 07891 382332

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